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GCH Forestfield Shotgun Rider

Son of Scorybrek Sally Sunshine and GCH Lotrando Sunshine Celebration (Rondo), Shotgun is a great Canadian champion. His father won the title of the most beautiful West Highland Terrier at the famous 'Westminster show' in 2016 and 2017. He has received several titles throughout the United States. For his part, Shotgun was awarded by the CWHWTC, several trophies and recognitions for the year 2017. It is one of the most beautiful westies in Canada. After a trip to the United States where he became American champion, he is back home and he loves to have fun outdoors with his friends. He is adorable and very affectionate.


GCH Lotrando Sunshine Celebration, RONDO (father's Shotgun)

To see the awards that CWHWTC gave him, click here